T 25th February 2021

Aurelia was my seminar leader for the D58 Supervision at the Tavistock. I was very sorry to hear of her passing, as I treasure the memories we made in our group, and the important lessons I learnt during that time. I had met her once before, at an open evening at the Institute of Psychoanalysis. Aurelia approached me, and somehow guessed that I was French, which for various reasons is not an obvious thing at all. She joked about the wide eyed look I must have had painted on my face, because I felt intimidated by this large group of people. I felt too young, and too insecure to consider the path of an analyst as a viable option. She said some very encouraging things that really made an impression on me, and I wanted to share this because in the little time I had with her, I felt encouraged and taken seriously, and this made a huge difference. My thoughts go out to her family, patients and colleagues.